Requesting Interstitial Ads

You can also display interstitial ads to your MPSPage, very similarly to the way you added a banner ad.

You will continue expanding the MPSPage instance that you created earlier. To request an interstitial ad we add the following code to the ViewController.swift file.

    page.getInterstitialAd(adUnit: "testinterstitial", success: { [weak self] (inter) in
        if let sSelf = self {
            inter.present(fromRootViewController: sSelf)
    }) { (error) in

Or, if you’re following along in Objective-C add the following to the ViewController.m file.

    NSDictionary *targeting = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: "targetingValue", "targetingKeys", nil];

    [page getInterstitialAdWithAdUnit:@"testinterstitial" additionalTargeting:targeting success:^(MPSInterstitialAd * _Nonnull inter) {
        ViewController *sSelf = wself;
        if (sSelf) {
            [inter presentFromRootViewController:sSelf];
    } failure:^(NSError * _Nonnull) {

Build and run the application.
You will see the following result in the simulator.


Congratulations, you’ve successfully made your interstitial ad request programatically!
