Additional Functionality

1. Get MPS Site Config

To get MPS Site Config JSON, use

    mps.getSiteConfig(success: { (config) in

    }) { (error) in

    [mps getSiteConfigWithSuccess:^(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nonnull json) {

    } failure:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {


It returns the MPS Site Config JSON from MPS Server or an error.

2. Additional Targeting

To set page level custom targeting, pass the additionalTargeting argument on an ad request with a dictionary of custom targeting information. Additional targeting will be added to the ad targeting parameters from MPS Page JSON.

For Banner Ad:

    let customTargeting = ["targetingKey": "targeting-value", "targetingKey2": "targeting-value2"];
    page.getBannerAd(adUnit: "testbox", additionalTargeting: customTargeting, rootViewController: self, success: { [weak self] (ad) in
        if let sSelf = self {
    }) { (error) in
    NSDictionary *customTageting = @{@"key1": @"value1"};
    [page getBannerAdWithAdSlot:@"testbox" additionalTargeting:customTageting rootViewController:self success:^(MPSBannerAdView * _Nonnull ad) {

    } failure:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {


For Banner View:

    let params = MPSPageParameters(path: "page") = "someCatValue"

    let page = mps.requestPageObject(mpsParams: params)
    let targeting = ["targetingKey": "targeting-value"]
    adView.delegate = self
    adView.displayBannerAd(adSlot: "testbox", additionalTargeting: targeting, page: page, rootViewController: self)
    NSDictionary *customTageting = @{@"key1": @"value1"};
    [bannerView displayBannerAdWithAdSlot:@"testbox" page:page additionalTargeting:customTageting rootViewController:self];

For Interstitial:

    let targeting = ["targetingKey": "targeting-value"]
    page.getInterstitialAd(adUnit: "testinterstitial", additionalTargeting: targeting, success: { [weak self] (inter) in
        if let sSelf = self {
            inter.present(fromRootViewController: sSelf)
    }) { (error) in
    NSDictionary *customTageting = @{@"key1": @"value1"};
    [page getInterstitialAdWithAdSlot:@"testinterstitial" additionalTargeting:customTageting success:^(MPSInterstitialAd * _Nonnull inter) {

    } failure:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
