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Requesting Banner Ads using a Storyboard

Please check the section ‘Best Practices’ to understand the proper approach to implement this functionality.

Now that you have setup your project with the SDK, let’s put banner ads into it.

A MPSBannerAdView can be created from a storyboard or from code. Since layouts are generally defined in a storyboard, this guide shows the storyboard method.

Add an MPSBannerAdView in a Storyboard

The MPSBannerAdView needs a reference in code to load ads into it.

Open up the Assistant Editor by navigating in Xcode to View > Assistant Editor > Show Assistant Editor.

In the Assistant Editor, make sure the ViewController.h file is showing.
Next, hold the control key, click the MPSBannerAdView and drag your cursor over to ViewController.h. For a Swift project, follow the steps above but add a reference to the MPSBannerAdView in the ViewController.swift file.

Xcode will generate and connect a property for you. Name it “adView”, and click Connect.

To resolve a compilation error, also include import nbcu_mps_ios_sdk in ViewController.swift or ViewController.h so the compiler knows that MPSBannerAdView is a valid class.

Load an Ad into MPSBannerAdView

Finally, add the following code into ViewController.swift to load an ad into the banner view.

 override func viewDidLoad() {

        let params = MPSPageParameters(path: "page")
        params.cat = "someCatValue"
        page = mps.requestPageObject(mpsParams: params)
        let targeting = ["targetingKey": "targeting-value"];
        adView.delegate = self
        adView.displayBannerAd(adSlot: "testbox", additionalTargeting: targeting, page: page, rootViewController: self)

Or, if you’re following along in Objective-C add the following code to ViewController.m.

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    params = [[MPSPageParameters alloc] initWithPath:@"page"];
    page = [mps requestPageObjectWithMpsParams:params];   

    adView.delegate = self;
    [adView displayBannerAdWithAdSlot:@"testbox" page:page rootViewController:self];


This image shows the displayed banner ad.