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Request banner ad with XML

The second way to display banner ad is to add its view to your view hierarchy. To do this just add MpsBannerAdView to your xml layout file in a way like this:


Instantiate an object of this view in a way of your app using standard findViewById, butterknife, databinding or anything else. For example:

MPSBannerAdView mpsAdView = findViewById(R.id.mps_ad);

After you have an object of the view just add the following code to load an ad into the banner view:

mpsAdView.displayBannerAd("testbox", page, new MPSBannerAdListener() {
    public void onAdLoaded(@NonNull MPSBannerAdView bannerAdView) {

Also you can pass additional ad targeting as third parameter to displayBannerAd function:

Map<String, String> additionalTargeting = new HashMap<>();
additionalTargeting.put("key", "value");
mpsBannerAdView.displayBannerAd("testbox", page, additionalTargeting, new MPSBannerAdListener() {
    public void onAdLoaded(@NonNull MPSBannerAdView bannerAdView) {


This image shows the displayed banner ad.

Banner Loaded Via XML