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Release Notes

Version Description
MPS iOS SDK for iOS 8 and higher.

New features:
• Moat SDK intergration
• Update Google Mobile Ad SDK to v.7.27.0

The related MPS Test App is available here: HockeyAppLink
The related GitHub Release Page is available here: GitHubLink
The related Code Documentaion is available here: Docs

pod 'nbcu_mps_ios_sdk/google_mobile_ads',
:git => 'https://github.com/NBCUOTS/mobile_mps_sdk_ios_examples.git',
:tag => 'release-2.1.0'
Moat (optional):
pod 'nbcu_mps_ios_sdk/moat',
:git => 'https://github.com/NBCUOTS/mobile_mps_sdk_ios_examples.git',
:tag => 'release-2.1.0'
Nov 13, 2017
MPS iOS SDK for iOS 8 and higher.

New features:
• Audience Studio integration
• Error reporting to MPS via pixel
• TestApp: bookmark request parameters
• TestApp: cross-platform sharing of the setting via deep links
• TestApp: ability to clear all parameters to reset app into initial state
• Pass SDK Version & Parent app Version to MPS
• Enable test mode via test flag
• Update Google Mobile Ad SDK to v.7.25.0
• Small fixes and improvements

The related MPS Test App is available here: HockeyAppLink
The related GitHub Release Page is available here: GitHubLink
The related Code Documentaion is available here: Docs

pod 'nbcu_mps_ios_sdk/google_mobile_ads',
:git => 'https://github.com/NBCUOTS/mobile_mps_sdk_ios_examples.git',
:tag => 'release-2.0.0'
September 7, 2017
MPS iOS SDK for iOS 8 and higher.

New features:
• iOS 11 support
• Swift 4 compatibility
• Now you can share an MPS Parameters in the TestApp

The related MPS Test App is available here: HockeyAppLink
The related GitHub Release Page is available here: GitHubLink
The related Code Documentaion is available here: Docs