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Request banner ad programmatically

In addition to requesting banner ads added via xml, you can also request a banner ad and add it to the view hierarchy programatically.

Let’s use simple FrameLayout as a container for a banner ad you wish to load. This FrameLayout can be described in xml file like this:

<FrameLayout android:id="@+id/frame"

Add the following code to your java class corresponding this xml layout:

FrameLayout container = (FrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.frame);
page.getBannerAd("testbanner", container, new MpsAdListener() {

	public void onAdFailedToLoad(@NonNull MPSError mpsError) {


Also you can pass additional ad targeting as second parameter to getBannerAd function:

FrameLayout container = (FrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.frame);
Map<String, String> additionalTargeting = new HashMap<>();
additionalTargeting.put("key", "value");
page.getBannerAd("testbanner", additionalTargeting, container, new MpsAdListener() {

	public void onAdFailedToLoad(@NonNull MPSError mpsError) {



Congratulations, you’ve successfully made your banner ad request programatically!

Banner Loaded Programatically